Board of Directors
| Chair
| Treasurer
| Secretary
| Director
| Director | Parent Representative
| Executive Director | Administrator
| Principal
| Director of Operations | Bookkeeper
| Marketing Coordinator
Clear Choice Academies, Inc.
Principal Address:
3850 W. Anthony Rd
Ocala, FL 34471
All board meetings are conducted once per quarter, unless a special meeting is called to address time-sensitive topics that cannot wait for the next scheduled board meeting. The Annual meeting is held in July of each calendar year.
Meetings are generally held either virtually or in-person as accommodations allow.
Clear Choice Academies complies with Florida's Sunshine Laws, and welcomes public attendance and participation in our meetings, following protocols established by the Board.
Members of the public may provide a written statement to the Board by sending statements to the Board Secretary at at least 24 hours in advance of the next scheduled meeting. Any comments or statements received will be shared with the Board and shall be filed as part of our official records.
Members of the public attending a board meeting virtually or in-person may address the Board, once the Chair opens the floor to public comment. Speakers will be granted up to 3 minutes to speak at the discretion of the Chair. Any person wishing to speak must notify the Board Secretary prior to the meeting being called to order.
Unruly, threatening, or uncivil behavior will not be tolerated and anyone behaving poorly will be dismissed from the meeting and/or banned.
Clear Choice Academies, Inc. is a Florida non-profit organization, and will comply with chapter 119 of Florida Statutes, relating to public records, meetings, inspection of records, and penalties relating to public records and meetings.